This Song Isn't True - Demo - Three String Cohiba Cigar Box Guitar

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Whoops, realised after filming that the music stand was covering the CBG! If you want to see it better, check out this vid : -) Song Isn't TrueCHORUSThis song isn't true,made it up just for you.People never lie,and the sun will always shine,yeah this song isn't true.There's a God up in the sky.You'll go to heaven when you die.Every man should have a gun,every father, every son.There's a god up in the sky.CHORUSWe haven't messed up this world.Still got time to turn it round.The air's pollution free,there's plenty more fish in the sea.We haven't messed up this worldCHORUSThis is a happy song.Makes you want to sing along.It's good not to think,and to drown yourself in drink.Yeah this is a happy song, butCHORUS X 2

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  • thanks Wes

  • thanks Bill

  • I like this.  A lot.  Well done.

  • thanks a lot Ruth : -)

  • This song may not be true but it is beautifyl. Thanks for singing and playing.

    Well done!

  • oh thanks Hal, missed your comment somehow!

  • thanks John and Nancy Kat

  • Oh very good one Be!! Anything happy these days! Have to believe! Nice harp to! Mewwww^^306034068?profile=original

  • thanks Careless John

    Thanks Rtz, hope you feels right to write something soon, but yeah it can take time..

    thanks Hal

    Thanks Uncle J, I thought the harp was a bit dodgy. Hadn't really worked out what I was going to do,lol!

  • Linda and I just enjoyed this and laughed because it does sound happy and light, but the (good) lyrics are less happy and light and more true and ironic.   One of your best songs and performances and pretty darn good harp.

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