The Love For a Woman A D Eker 2015

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Its Born and a Classic before its Time, We all know it, we all feel it, and some time or a other we know what the Singer is talking about! The all time Theme...

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  • Coooooooooooool

  • Thank you guys and Girl, yea Wes,spot on there! Thanks Jim, still needs some practis thow! working all four's and blowing the Harp and singing at the same time ,still feels Natural some how?Oke U John did Brain play some RL Burnside   at your Mini fest?thanks for the compliment! Thanks Matthew ,for you as a Gardian of the Old style,its a even nice'r Compliment! So right Nancy thanks for the Sweet graphics !Lovely Thanks again youall  Greettsszzzz From Holland !

  • 306489772?profile=originalSweeeettt Andries!!! Meeeowwww^..^

  • this is just excellent work!! Love the style and you sound great on the vocal

  • Old R.L. Burnside's style is getting a lot of CBN love lately.  Mr. C quite a bit.   Brian Pearse on his visit with me last week...    Good stuff, Andries.    Some great photos too.  Worth a couple of listens or more.  

  • Sounds great Andries. You've got that foot percussion goin' real good.

  • Done this one in the Burnside style, all in one take again, using my suitcase bass drum, hihat, & resonator, hope you like, Greeeettssszzz A.D.306486567?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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