"The lighthouse keeper" by Marty the Random Guy

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Here's a song from a videozine (KAFFE.zine) from Turku in Finland. Filmed during a small park gig I did last Saturday (27th 2015) in Turku, Finland. On CBN, the Youtube video starts at 6:00 min. The full video features one more song (guitar, vocals) and an interview (in Finnish)."The Lighthouse Keeper" is the first song I wrote on my first CBG build, which I'm playing in the video, about 7 years ago. The tune (and CBG) is still a part of my set list.

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  • Thanks guys :)

  • coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

  • cool  .   now  lets  hear   some old   nightwish  ;-)


  • Looking and sounding great on cbg and vocals.    Lots of soul.  I went back an listened to the six string songs too.  Mighty fine. 

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