"The Forest" from the album "Playing (No Rules)" OUT NOW!!!

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"Playing (NO Rules)" is available here: http://bemuzic.bandcamp.com/YOU CHOOSE THE PRICE!!! (£5 minimum for a CD, NO MINIMUM for the digital download)You can listen to the tracks in full and pay whatever you think it's worth : -)If you like it please share!

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  • thanks Hillbilly

  • bemuzic you have the type of voice that is really pleasent to the ears when you sing loved this video

  • thanks John, that one word is enough : -)

  • Wonderful.  I have nothing new that I can articulate, but I mean that one word.

  • thanks Laurie. It was hard work but worth it I reckon. Very satisfying... hope you enjoy them : -)

  • Congrats Belinda! :-) that super!!  you pulled if off, on time,  and made recordings, and the instruments yourself, to boot!!much respect, for it all!

    Look forward to hearing the songs as a "collection"


  • thanks Dan!

  • Wow!! Your stuff just keeps getting better and better.

  • thanks a lot Mathew!!

  • Wow, this is just wonderful. I agree with others about your talent. You blow signed artists out of the water. If the cbg thing is ever going to work it is going to be as an anchor to great songs and great singing like your song here. Otherwise it is just a gimmick to get weak performance over. You have a really wonderful sound and earnest and thoughtful lyrics. I really really enjoyed this.

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