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The eagles whistle

Views: 27
received a great gift from Dave Lynas today!! I am new at 2 string fiddle and still need to practice, but here is a version of the Eagles Whistle. A traditional fiddle tune.

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  • Very fine playing on a great looking and sounding fiddle!

  • Very nice of Dave and you sound like a natural on the fiddle.

  • What a great gift Matthew Nice playing sure your going to love that one !

  • It's this kinda stuff that makes me love the Cigar Box Nation. Builders sharing instruments, musicians collaborating... these are great days we're living brothers.

  • Great ply on that Dave Deuce.  I saw a photo of Dave's shipping box art and wondered if he sent a fiddle.  Great gift and I think your play, thanks and video was plenty of thanks for Dave.

    I do not play It a lot, but I have a small repertoire on my 2 string fiddle.  I wonder if I can learn the Eagle's Whistle.

  • Thank you Matthew. She sounds sweet in your hands. Bravo ! 

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