The 3 Thousand Mile GarageBand Jam II D.Reedy/R.Sund. collab

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A N.Yorker & Cally jammin DMR CBGs

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  • Cat can’t be wrong! Ha, thanks a bunch Nancy!

  • 306709564?profile=originalWild man just crazily wild loved it guys!!! Meowwww^..^

  • Thank you Merle! Yeah, Dennis is the CBG builder that  got me into this CBG thing. He also built my first CBG, the one I’m playin, the Big Payback!

  • Thank you StorminSteve! Dennis sent a real solid foundation with his video, I just fell over and played. Actually, I do this way to much, I had the camera positioned wrong, but somehow it worked, and I maintain my crazy  status !

  • Thank you Derek ! A real nice instrumental from Dennis, I had fun weaving around trying to find a rythem to his very nice slide guitar!I just from your comment, Dennis is nice, and I’m crispy ha! Thanks buddy!

  • great vid ritchie a nice look at some cool jamming

  • Nice jam guys. Nice and crispy.

  • I remember back in the seventies a friend or two would come by, wed go in my garage, and five hours later we’d come out with bleeding ears ha! Free style jamming....key of E...go! Thanks Clarky, great comments!

  • Danny, they call me Hoover Head, Vacuum hose supplies information, slow brain! Ha, funny line Danny! It’s a very old bulky prehistoric headphone. I can’t use amplifiers on my patio, neighbors! So I record directly into a workstation. Neighborhood still suffers when I attempt singing, they hear nothing but a suffering cracking voice. Distance collaboration is a blast, thanks Danny!

  • Very cool Richard.  It's got a sort of 80s sound about it, maybe that's just me.  Like the Miami Vice theme tune or something?

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