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test gbg

Views: 132
Hi! This is my first recording ever. Playing on my first cbg made from recycle parts. I build the cbg spring 2013. Got supriced how much noice a little cigarrbox can make. Love to play on it.

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  • Sweet mellow blues, dude, keep it up!

  • sweet sweet blues

  • Thank you for your respond.

    Glad to hear my test worked out succesfully. 

    Happy tuesday !

  • Test: Successful!

  • Very nice playing !!!

  • From one Swede here in the States - to an original ... Keep it coming man! "Tuskit'ha"!!
  • Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

  • suweeet!!

  • SOUNDIN GOOD......

  • Thank you Uncle John! Great to be here and see all the creativity. Listening to the playlist while I´m working. Lots of nice tunes.
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