Take me to the blue

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Take Me to the Blue… written and sung by Tony Roberts… cigar box guitar played by Joe Clapp… this song will be featured on Tony's upcoming...

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  • great song singing and playing.  would be nice to have tab for it.. excellent job..

  • cooooooooooooooool

  • Love the vocals and playing. Good work

  • Yup, I second Unc's comments. Great song, singing and playing! Plus I'm a sucker for bobble head hula girls.

  • That photo makes me smile.   Reminds me of the 60s and the road.  Reminds me  of Clock and his road trip vids.    

    And the song, wow.   The playing, the feeling,

    THE LYRICS...  Man they hit home and turn the smile to a grimace and bring a tear to the eye.   Some of the best lyrics I have heard.  Lord, I hear you calling.  Your the only voice that's true.

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