
Views: 203
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Filmed in Wolfeboro, NH. Featuring: Worry doll, Mr. Fox, Donna Kirk and Heidi Harris Video and song By, Heidi Harris

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  • Heidi.


    You still have that beautiful singing voice.

  • Thank you......made my day.....          KP
  • Your vids keep gettin' better and better, an i like the dress with the boots too Heidi, ahubba hubba. :>)
  • Very nice. Really enjoyed it.
  • aw, thanks you two! ("Strat Fink" and JP Swenson)!! yer comments really made my night :)
  •   I enjoyed every bit of it. The harmonies are outstanding.

    I'm sure the youtube commenter accidentally sent the comment before adding "was here" and assuming it was self evident, decided against correcting it.

  • Different is good!  Don't listen to naysayers.  I really enjoyed your video.  Cool song, nice voices, interesting sounds and creative videography (Plus cute girls!)  I give it a ten!  Thanks for sharing your creativity with the world.  Now I'm gonna watch it again!
  • hahahaha! you know... when you try to do something different, people really have fun with you. someone wrote "stupid" on youtube... oh well, sorry you didn't enjoy the first 1:15 tony "Tea Belly" johnson... just trying something new. and thanks to all the other comments!!! I love my cbg :) recording this song in particular inspired some new thinking for me, I'm coming into something different with music and I'm testing it out!... thought I'd try out a new approach to a "music video"... thanks again, all :) !! ~HH
  • very nice Heidi,getting lots a use out of the box guitar.
  • YES.  I am with Ms B on this.   Love it.
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