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Views: 112
Just a little musical intrigue....

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  • Yeah - in the way that I cant play one of them either! :)
  • Those are cool! reminds me of a digereedoo (i am sure I just spelled that wrong)
  • Tophat - yup, that already crossed my mind! I have a compressor in the car so...?

    Bemuzic - I have my sis to thank for these. I think she found them in an antiques hall / car booter / junk shop.

    Brian - we should form a band!

    John - ha, its not decor. Its just a mish mash of all my junk! lol The bits of bone are a vertebrae and a rib from a basking shark I found washed up on the beach. And yes, it was already very very deceased...

    Cheers for the comments guys :)

  • Cool.  Love the decor of that room.
  • I got 2 of those at a boot sale: A and Bb - I oiled them up as they were in a terrible state but they make great ornaments - not much use as a pitch pipe I find!
  • Nice find
  • Get another one and use them as giant 3-string pitch pipes.
  • coool!!..where did you get them??
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