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Stay coool, kitty!

Views: 241

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  • he does spend a lot of time cat-napping ;-)

  • :-{    sorry  to  hear about  kitty ,  hope he  can  get   back  into   the swing  and share  lots  more  time  with  you  .  


  • many thanks for your comments!  unfortunately kitty is getting on in years, like all of us, but has suffered a lot of weight loss this year and has been diagnosed with an enlarged kidney - he is under the vet atm in an effort to try and sort it out but i'll need to sell a lot of guitars to keep up with it all !  :-/

  • Cool cat cool!

  • Cool Bogie Man Nice

  • 306464224?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • 306464031?profile=originalCooool as always S~Paw~ST  Meowwwwwza^..^

  • 34 deg that was a hot day...!

  • 306459377?profile=original

  • Hey, Steve.   I noticed I had not heard you for a while.   Good to hear you, man.  

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