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Soldering hookup wires to a bare piezo disk - TedTV / CBGTV

Views: 165
A quick CBG TV / Ted TV video tutorial on soldering hook-up wire to a bare piezo disk. Feel free to ask any questions.More instructional videos at the Handmade Music Clubhouse

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  • Just recently did it for the first time Ted. Your video tutorial made it an easy process. Love your wood blocks and clothes pin tooling. Fits right in to my shop. :)>

  • Thanks for the help by posting this video.  I have been making this harder than it should be.

  • Cool, we need more video like this out there. Thanks for sharing Ted. Got one of you four string stone H Pups ready with it's Punch box half done by a student a while back. I'm going to have to put her together myself and get it posted see how she sounds. Still got that salute after all these years?

  • Good stuff.  I've been doing it the hard way.  Will try this out.  Like the jigs.

  • Well done Ted. Clothespins work so well and are great heat sinks as well as clamps to hold the things you are working on. Like your block of wood to hold the solder. Gonna have to make one of those.

  • Great CBG TV!  Thanks for the tips.

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