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So Much Trouble. Acoustic 3 string.

Views: 105
Full acoustic made from recycled pine fence timber [paint still on]. Neck is oak, fingerboard Marbu.Top and back 2mm thick, sides 3/16" thick.

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  • Nice looking and sounding guitar, Taffy. Great playing and singing too!

  • Thanks Taffy! I think you could paste the YouTube link in the comment section of this video rather than reposting it. Then we could just link directly from your link in the comments to YouTube directly. 

  • Hi Richard and you other guys who cant get this video, me included, I'll repost via You tube.


  • A lot of us with Apple phones and iPads can’t see your fine work Taffy! So far anyway, YouTube let’s pretty much all of us see and hear your videos. 

  • trouble? ain't detecting none.

  • Some fine playing !laying it down !fine build aswell !

  • Hi all, thanks for the comments. I cant get it on my iPad either. Looks like I may have to post my video's through You tube, I tried to get away with doing that by keeping the songs short.

    Uncle John, it was a toss up if I did this song or "Kansas city".

    Wonder if I could post this again but use Youtube? but then it would be on here twice.


  • Yea man, rock it Taffy! Very nice build, and sounds great. Enjoyed the singing too.

  • I can’t see your videos either Taffy. I have a IPad.

  • Great build, great playing and singing.

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