SLUMMING instrumental A D Eker 2016

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Lets take a trip, and go to some remote places, see something of the world, Digital Holliday ,is that our future? Hope not! Is there live on Pluto?remember t...

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  • sounds great !!!

  • Maybee it sounds like a bass because  i do detuning two steps## so i go from EADGBE to EbbAbbDbbGbbBbbEbb, so i get a more low sound, gives diverend feel when using chords that give overtone harmonies.But no Chorus!just the B9 Electro Harmonix.306524437?profile=original

  • Thanks everyone !This  segrigation is there sins the beginning of time, only now there are some clever D's who make money of, of it! that will bee the 6X string SLOWHOUND,and a touch of B9 E.H.,so you hear SH & BB, no chorus got a new gizmo today from ZVEX , cant wait to use it! will bee a blast, let the Zack Wilde out in me! don't get it wolfman,LOL your deciding on what porta pottie to use? to dark to tell,LOL the RED or the GREEN,funny thow ! don't everybody get one for FREE in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave !! To Bad UJ, not that you need a trip but the ideer of taking one is NICE ! gonne drill the last fjew holes and then hopefully string her Up ! Greeeeettssszz A.D.

  • Another classic A.D Eker recording ! Really like it Andries . I presume you are using a Chorus pedal for the guitar along with your EHX B9 ?  

  • 306524541?profile=original

  • Nice Bluesy picking there A D

  • Sounds great Andries. No more slumming for me - I get into trouble every time I do.

  • Nice sounds.  I don't have a passport. 

  • Cool music. Not sure if you're playing a bass or guitar. Hint of keys too.

  • 306523952?profile=original

    Maybee No Go? In the Rain Every Place looks Dredd!

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