shredding on a CBG ??

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This thing was strung literally 8 minutes before this video was taken. My nephew wanted to see how she would drive so he pushed, plucked and twanged away. I know the ideas is sacrilegious to most here.but its his way of seeing whats shes made of !

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  • This kid can play some blues that will make you weep....................what you see above is 30 minutes after he opened his eyes from sleep..with a raging hang over. His band had just played in NJ the night before ....I showed up and had him string the CBG and away he went......the shredding was a little fun ........thats all. Its amazing when someone who has natural talent gets comments about this and that.......whats blues...whats real.....and what isn't...its just a kid who can play the guitar really well .......noodling around with a new CBG for fucks sake. How many notes per second doesn't mean shit..but I bet you wish you could play this as effortlessly as he does. I have watched him pick up a $10,000 lefty guitar the high end store reluctantly gave it to him to try out..... and have 30 people around him in less than 15 minutes. next build is a 4 string resonator for him.......making my own box though. 

  • How many notes you play per second doesn't really mean anything....good blues players can get much more feeling out of three notes if they put soul into it...something today's music sorely lacks. That's why I'm get away from that. No offense...but...meh.

  • I don't think it's ever the instrument. It's always the player AFAIC.

    Sacrilegious? Since when was that ever a crime around here when it comes to guitar playing - cigar or otherwise?

    Nice build!  (c:

  • Don't take this wrong because I've built a couple of 6's and I have a neck on order right now for an upcoming 6 string build.

    Guys, it's a nice build, good playing skills (smooth tapping in there) but at the end of the day it's a guitar in standard tuning with a cigar box body. Doesn't stand out from the same thing done on any commercial guitar.

    Now if that was being played on a 3 or 4 string in some other tuning variant it would be something to make one sit up and take notice.

  • Send him to Guitar Center on a Saturday morning with that CBG and those fingers, sit back, and watch...
  • not sacrilegious, great build, good skills but shredding is like sex - great fun to do at home in private but embarrassing and uncomfortable  to watch in public....   ;-)

  • Sacrilegious, or sacrelicious? Some good skills there!

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