Shane Speal "Mother Leeds"

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  • really been enjoying this old found video and new music thing. This is a really cool way to put your song across. You should make a vidoe albums worth of these things. Play it behind you when you play live. This was really fun!!!

  • Rad song. I hear this and it just confirms to me that my own recordings are getting more layered than they should be...a CBG and a bass drum can be so much more effective.

  • great rhythm Shane, fast driving demons Nice

  • One of my favorite songs of Jersey Devil.
  • awesome , love it !!!

  • Rocking spooks.  I think I agree with Clock.  This is my fave Shane 'Fast Fingers' Speal song.

  • 305923074?profile=original

  • Ha!  Go figure!  I spent the night searching for silent film monster movies and discovered Haxan.  Also did a video for Tunnel Rat using an old German experimental movie.  Will post another day. 

  • Great one Shane.

  • Hey!!! I just used this movie!!! Oh well... Still my favorite of your songs ๏_๏

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