How To Play Cigar Box Guitar - Shane Speal demonstrates "Mother Leeds"

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FOR 3-STRING FRETTED CIGAR BOX GUITAR Shane Speal demonstrates the 3-string cigar box guitar song, Mother Leeds from his album, "12 Stones." Tuning: EEB Download Speal's album, 12 STONES at Official Facebook:

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  • I play this song in the truck a lot...

  • Thanks for posting these, Shane. Your EEB tuning just pulled me out of my "DAD" rut that I've been in. I'm throwing a little distortion in with a Nobles ODR-1 and I'm actually over getting a rootsy blues deal going on here.

  • Like that tuning and sound.

  • THIS STUFF AIN'T HARD!!!  That's what I want y'all to know.  Stop building so much and discover some playing tricks.  You'll be jamming at the open mics in no time.

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