Shane Speal "Diddley Bow Improv" - jamming on a cigar box diddley bow

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Shane goofing off and improvising a mixture of major scale and minor blues on a 1-string diddley bow. See all of Shane's guitars for sale at

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  • Twang. What a sound. Great stuff.

  • $10???  'scuse me while I take a damn rasp file to it!!!

  • $10.00 a scratch?

  • HA!  So how much do you think my scratches are worth these days (y'know...with the recession and all)?

  • Or you could increase the price for your efforts in adding "character"  >;-)

  • I put a couple pick scratches in the box when I filmed this.  Does it mean I can keep the guitar instead of selling it?  ;)

  • cool beans

  • Go Shane... Great sound.

  • Talking diddley.

  • Awesome sounds from one string!!!

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