Satisfy Suzy performed by Honey Boy Bright, The Beast from the East and Hammerin' Hank

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Okay everybody, I play in a three piece band called the Raydiators. You can check us out on ReverbNation. I play guitar, but like I said earlier, I got turned on to the cigar box slide guitar and I've gotten a little crazy and turned Billy, the bass player on to them too, so my friend Don Wright who builds the Snorty Tone Cigar Box Guitar, has learned to play also. I love this website! It's just too much fun.So we did another video this weekend but for some reason, I hit the wrong button...or something went wrong. The pictures and music are not synced. If anybody can help or tell me what I did wrong, that would be great. But the second video we did that I will post next week, came out perfect. So anyway, here it is.

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