Sammy sings Tennessee Waltz

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remembering travelling to Tennessee last year and hearing this old Patti Page classic a few times

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  • I'm encouraged greatly by your comments folks much appreciated. 

    The CBU was made by Shane Wagstaff, he took the neck off a bust baritone uke I had and put it on a cigar box I picked up in New Orleans from a cigar shop, young lady let me have my pick of some boxes she had lying around in the back ($5). 

    Reason for giggling at the end of the video was that fact that I had to sing the last chorus again after really fluffing my lines and chords, (think you can tell where I edited but I was glad to be able to cut it in without too much notice)

    Cant help but wonder everytime I see a comment from  our lovely Nancy.......(hasn't anyone ever interviewed you about your passion for Cat's) Would love to watch it, so intrigued. :) 
    cheers and thanks again from Sammy

  • NIcely done Sammy

  • Smart

  • Hi Sammy this is purrrfectly sung and played...a true old classic you still have a great voice...Meoww^..^6432100092?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • I like that CBU. Well sung Sammy.

  • a other Diamond there sammy! voice still booming !! allthow it sounded like you had a bit of a cold ?

    was that laughing  at your own  self?

  • thanks Uncle John, thanks Dave, appreciate your comments. Had fun putting it together and had me thinking of those fabulous 'southern states' we visited last year. Seems like a life time ago.

  • Wonderful Sammy. I love your style and vocal strength. I love that song too.

  • Sammy, it's always good to see and hear you.  Beautifully done.   Nice story pics too!

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