Rye Whiskey/Drunken Hiccups/Rebel Soldier

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Sorry, you're probably getting tired now, but I'm on a roll. Here's a version of Rye Whiskey/Drunken hiccups/ Rebel Soldier. There are so many verses I picked a few.Inspired by Ben Prestage's version at Boxstock, with not a hope to sound even close.

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  • Chris.

    You are on a roll. Very nicely done song. You don't have to sound like anyone else. You are absolutely fine sounding just as you do. Great stuff.

  • Good stuff that rye whiskey!

  • Ha, Ha.   Hic.   Lovely good.   You may have been born in the wrong century, but this stuff still rings true and pretty.

  • " But l'm not tired! "

    " l wanna stay up and watch tv and eat ice cream and read comic books and...  zzzzzzzzzzzzz. "

    Not that your fine work makes me sleepy!!!

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