RtL Wildfire CBG

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A rare 3 string tuned Ddd

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  • AD - Dhank du.

  • dattt did dit dubbel dare ! Darn Dhat droned  dron dra 3  drasty drood!

  • Doug, it is due to your instigation that I posted this video. In the last Sunday meeting you said you wanted to see people playing.  This one is fun to whale upon...  I'm still learning the Video making program.

     I've never been compared to that Burt before. More likely Bert and Ernie.

  • Nicely done Rich! I loved the interspersed photos and, especially the strategic Burt Reynolds look into the camera moment! That build is one of my favorites and you went to town on it!!!

  • Thank you UJ. I am hesitant to post any videos of me actually playing.

    Poorness, the black boxes make for a good canvas.

    Brian, I appreciate your comment. I have tried to develop my own sound. The open strummed string is a vital component.

    AGP, these oddly matched strings were from the leftovers drawer.

  • Interesting and different tuning, but I like it :-)

  • Some good droning there!!

  • I gotta say... I really like a hand-painted instrument. Playable art as they say.

  • Sounding GOOD!

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