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Rte 66 on Radio (Short Sound Check Demo)

Views: 34
Picked up an old tube radio at a sale for $5, figured it would be a good candidate for wiring in one of the amp kits if the radio itself was dead. Learned that it actually worked, plus it had a phono input option. Got the correct adapter connector, plugged in my Route 66 (with on-board pre-amp/equalizer) and voila! Here's a short demo. Think it sounds pretty awesome!

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  • pick - - bet that old 8-track was a ton of fun!  Sure to get some crazy looks too!

    And you're just seeing a bit of my shop!  I liked it with my license plates on display, awaiting new lives as LPGs!

  • Thanks Andries  - - might work up a longer demo!  I can't see anywhere what its power is, but you may be about right.  Cheers!

  • ps .. your shop looks like a tv  stage set .  ;-)

    dang . my house aint even that clean .    lol. 

  • One of my first  guitar amps I owned and used ,  was the mic input on an old 8 track player .. That thing was awesome . 

  • To short REV !good size box on that vintage radio ! trebble and bass! and loads a volume, i geush a 15 watt speaker !

  • Thanks gents!  Let me work on something for this setup.  Maybe use one of my fabulous 'Lynas slides'!!

  • Yes More !

  • Sounds ready to rock!  Too short, Gary,  Encore!

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