Rocking all over the world

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Bug 's one man band the purple toe band !

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  • Uncle John, is that a piezo attached to your leg? Good idea...
  • Rockin harmonica too! NICE! Loved the trip.
  • Interesting and heartwarming piece of work!

  • Me too John.. but manages it in the weeks evenings a few times too this week.. 35,14,14,13,28

    and some half miley bits to add in..dogey vids on my youtube somewhere  

    (978 miles so far this year!)

  • Yowza, Bug.  I did about 20.   Getting so I like to ride down hill in the shade with a tailwind.

  • Thanks John,Jim ,Digley yeh jumped off a diving board
    Somehow killed a toe in the process
    john did 106 miles off road this week sun - sun !
  • 306568542?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    You got a banged up toe, Bug?   I have a banged up shin.  I was juggling (just 3 balls) on my unicycle, playing harp on a  harness and the cell phone rang.   Crap. I should a let it ring. 

    Sounding good.  Your Brits are doing well in the Tour De France. 

  • Rockin' all over the world - fantastic !

    Do it quickly while your UK/EU passport is still valid :-/

  • Had my toe tapping on this one. Good stuff Bug.

  • did  you  stub  your toe  ?  do  you  need  us to  call a toe  truck  ? 


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