The Swamp Gas Project

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Millions of years ago in the darkest damp depths of the amazon jungle, between a tiny cluster of the tallest trees never know to man, a tiny sink hole formed. Zillions of small insect like creatures one by one fell down into the deepest depths of this ever widening sink hole.Slowly decaying over millions of years the life of the planet.The noxious fumes collected in to tiny pockets within the underground rocks,slowly mutating into a substance similar to laughing gas but far more toxic to all living creatures.As the planet was slowly super heated with global warming from man's lack of care for anything enviromental, The fish died, the icecaps melted, the sea level rose, the towns were flooded one by one.Man was driven to the highest ground to seek refuge and survive. Underneath the rock beneath the sea, tiny bubbles appeared bubling from ther surfaces,like tiny crustceans blowing smoke rings in anger .The Swamp Gas slowly escaped into the atmosphere further choking the planet into a run away life threatening thermal situation. Only the dinosaurs had experienced the harm of the Swamp Gas millions of years ago.This is the story of Swamp Gas, mankinds downfall...a gas mask won't help you now guys !A possible new concept album on it's way Bug Clock records....all Swamp and no gas....yet!Running on swamp gas video link:2) 407 Dr Psychotronicas versus the world - By Mr Clock

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