Rock band, +LIVE+ discovers me at local bar

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The guys from the band +LIVE+ hung out at my open mic a couple months ago. Guitarist, Chad Taylor mentions it in this press release video. (The members are investing in real estate in our hometown of York, PA)

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  • I just added Live's song "Horse" (hidden track from Throwing Copper) to my set list.  Chad Taylor challenged me to learn one of his songs, film it and he'd add it to Live's Facebook page.  Once I get it tight, I'll film it

  • Don't know this band but i've heard of Shane Speal, he's world famous...!  (-;

  • I'll be making cigar box guitars for Chad and Pat soon...

  •    Your like big bad Clint in them spaghetti westerns:

       " The Man With No Name "   >:-(   Oh well...

  • Chad loved my stomper so much, I gave him the extra one I had in my van. 


  • dam..  if he had said your name  ,,  the  price  of  my shane speal chugger would have  gone  up  ;-)

    congrats  though , seriously ;-)

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