Well put Dave! The work has started for CALLYFEST, the reunion! Ordering another outhouse, that’s portable potty out her in California. This year we’ll double the outhouses, we’ll have two! That was a major problem last year, tops in the 1214 registered complaints, this crowd loves beer, who knew! A love story on CBN, vinnie’s to blame! I pass problems on! Thanks Dave!
Dennis, playing the LPG you sent me, love this guitar! Vinnie set the table with a smooth sweet bluegrass foundation, fun to jam with! Thanks for the kind words, really great to hear from you!
Thanks A.D! Tried to keep it simple and quite. Sometimes, probably if the track I’m dealing with is mono, things turn out clear. Stereo tracks, I now get to the multitrack to mix my stuff in just fine, still separation. But transferring back to iPad is about 75% of the original track, stereo wise. It’s frustrating! I wrote these lyrics a long time ago, pretty simple, just asking all the questions you know. Thanks, can’t beat Floydian in my book! Vinnie was in awesome mood, beautifully played! I could have dropped a Joe Crocker bomb, Vinnie would cover! Thanks my friend!
Thanks Derek, I think Vinnie took my plugged in! Mellow as jello!
I would have responded sooner Nancy, but I got hypnotized by the eyes! Mesmerizing photo and very nice comments Nancy, thank you!
Good collab guys. Nice vibe and mellowness.
Thanks for all the love.Always a pleasure to share music with these most awesome creators here on CBN...
Well put Dave! The work has started for CALLYFEST, the reunion! Ordering another outhouse, that’s portable potty out her in California. This year we’ll double the outhouses, we’ll have two! That was a major problem last year, tops in the 1214 registered complaints, this crowd loves beer, who knew! A love story on CBN, vinnie’s to blame! I pass problems on! Thanks Dave!
The Califest Ball! A Love Story. Fun.
Dennis, playing the LPG you sent me, love this guitar! Vinnie set the table with a smooth sweet bluegrass foundation, fun to jam with! Thanks for the kind words, really great to hear from you!
Going commercial Baby, just sign on the the line Vinster! Thanks Pick!
Thanks A.D! Tried to keep it simple and quite. Sometimes, probably if the track I’m dealing with is mono, things turn out clear. Stereo tracks, I now get to the multitrack to mix my stuff in just fine, still separation. But transferring back to iPad is about 75% of the original track, stereo wise. It’s frustrating! I wrote these lyrics a long time ago, pretty simple, just asking all the questions you know. Thanks, can’t beat Floydian in my book! Vinnie was in awesome mood, beautifully played! I could have dropped a Joe Crocker bomb, Vinnie would cover! Thanks my friend!