Rev KM Williams with Joey Gates: Rollin and Tumblin

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Joey Gates on Hambone CGB bass and KM Williams on 3-string Lowebow singing the classic Rollin' and Tumblin' @ Pancho and Lefty's - Rowlett, TX

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  • Thanks Blacktooth. I loved seeing it play anyhow. Next time I'll hear it. :^)
  • Thanks, James.

    Dave - the Cohiba was a CBB (bass) that was running direct to the PA...wasn't planned, Hambone brought it and I asked if I could play it but we didn't have a bass amp there. I will carry my SWR next time we get a chance. You can hear it on a computer with decent speakers but I have a hard time picking it up on my phone or laptop.

  • That was real nice, but I couldn't hear a lick from the Cohiba man.
  • Fine Jaming Guy's nice beat

  • Thanks,guys...was a ton of fun. Gonna have to get Hambone to build me one of them basses.
  • Groove-a-licious! :)

  • "Yeah" The Rev is "The Man" !!!

  • Preach it!!

  • Nice.  A classic done well.  I like that stomp board too. 

  • BTW, we are doing these cbg jams and ate hoping to add more Dallas area cbg players to these events as both weekly host and regular players. Can anyone help me reach out to Dallas-area cbg'ers here?
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