Return Of The Wrechenbacker hybrid from Swamp Witch

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Wiping the dust off of an old fave..

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  • Thanks a bunch ,pal.You know how it goes when you got swamp witch mojo.

  • Going Downtown for sure Vinnie! Been to the crossroads three times for looper talents like yours. So darn good buddy!

  •  We should do that song John that's agood un... Thanks Derkovan,Im tryin to turn the drums up.Its how i get my groove on,

  • Hypnotic beat going on with this one Vin.

    LOL Unc!

  • Wow, that is a good looking lap dog.  (Not you, Vinnie).   Well played too (You,. Vinnie.)

    Let's go to Wreckenback, Texas with Waylon and Vinnie and the boys.

  • Yeah,iffen it can't be broken by me,then it gotta be badass cause normally I break stuff reallll good!!

  • lol vin ..  i think it's an old  turn signal bulb .   Worth more now  , certified vin proof ;-)

  • Thanks,all,y'all are too kind.Yeah #AGP .It had a much less politically correct name originally.So I had to tame it down..Anything with a bass on it makes for a band waiting to happen Andries.Gracias, Haha Pick.I am so surprised that I haven't broke the light yet .It has fallen off several times.It must be some serious good old

  • You make it look too fun to be legal vin ;-) great stuff. 


  • Great build up !the colorsoundbacker is a better name !its to cool to be a Wrechen ! the AudioAlchimist in his sound labratory ! keep cooking up them recipies !

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