Pick yourself up Tribute A. D. Eker 2019

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Is it by frank Sinatra?,is it by Nat King Cole, two crooners/singers, who sang the lyric, whit this A.D.Eker does a tribute to them both, and the writerof th...

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  • Cockadoodled, now that’s a start I like! Big shoes of a man getting knocked down only to get back up to get knocked down again. A persistent man will always find a way to stay up, even if he has to walk away sometimes. But it’s the walking away that eats you up inside. Life happens and you get a extra large box of challenges to deal with one or a couple at a time. God, Im preachy this morning! Thanks for putting up with me A.D!  The music and video is always great!  I guess I’m dealing with that scarecrow in the garden!

  • Great guitar work here Andries! Nice syncopation and loose runs. 

  • Hi Daniel I found your question! im not in favor of the 23 inch scale , i like the 25 ,on the 25 you can use most tunings and most kind of strings , but for the 23 i say no heavy strings unless you like to go for a bassy sound,thats your perogatif  on a 4 string standerd tuning can do nice thing but on a tree(3) best use a chord like tuning GDH ,CCG, EAE, there are loads ,depends on moods and feeling what you like to exspress? most is personal and for everybody differend,so hard to say , in the proces of getting there you need to break a lot of strings get a good chromatic tunes and take your time and devellop a ear i whoed say ! try to get a hold of a list of tunings there are around in PDF files that tell you about all standart tunings for all kinds of string instruments, and then pick the ones whit a 23 inch scale and go and exsperiment  any Help ! thanks Daniel bee reading you ! greeeettsszz A.D.

  • hi A.D. I do make my own fretboards, i actually cut this fretboard off for the bottom, the neck. first and last for that. thank you for rambling, it seems you have found your way, and it is a good way, and helps other people. discipline is good, i'll have to get some. your graphics on the video are amazing, it must be a lot of work. making something your own is also great. i don't think any music was written that is supposed to be in stone. years ago piano was my thing, i learned to read music and could play stuff like beethoven, but couldn't get the whole notes, half notes, etc., completely correct. so i would use the notes and make it my own. i don't think something like moonlight sonata cannot be improvised. oh, as they say, be careful what you ask for. you mentioned i could ask questions, many on this site have been inundated with my need to pick one's brain. i will, you can take that to the bank. so now i'm rambling again, thank you for sharing your gift.

    oh, i tell my wife i've written every song that exists, just cannot remember half of them. i've even written the songs that were around before i was born. pretty good, huh?

    so greetings to you also, you have a nice one and keep on keeping on.

    here it comes, my first question: i've been picking other's brains on this one, so i thought i'd pick yours. i'm building a short scale guitar, 23 inches. do you think light or heavy strings, and standard tuning or something different?

  • Hi there Daniel,Thanks for the comments ,to bad about the rod ,cant fix that,well lets say lesson learnned! think its maybee less work to simply make ones own fretboard,but then again to be treu to you thats what i did at first to be treu,from a old spanisch git (no rod in there),about making the videos for me its a great outlet ,im both visual and audio blessed, so it comes natural to me,thinking in pictures, im not a great writer, ido do my own but there are way better songwriters out there, and being blessed as i am i can indentify whit a writen text and when it hits home i personolize it and make it my own, and unfortunatly i had some struggles in live that relate to the Blues from a jong age allready, si it comes deep whit me, and the rest is Dicipline, if there is something that you like you do it and find a way, its good for the mind set and it takes you to places that can bee interesting especialy today whit the worlds lybrary at your fingertips its a dream come treu for me ! but iam rambeling on thanks again good fortune ,ask away if you like! what i can aswer i will ,and what i cant i cant ,Greeeettings to You ! Have a Nice One ! A.D.

  • inspiring. hits home, personally i need to pick myself up. dust off. starting over is hard. speaking off dusting off, i cut the fretboard off a factory neck today, thought the truss rod was out. my bad. cut through some aluminum, metal particles all over me, dulled my sweet blade. oh well, your lyrics and graphics for me isn't about my mistakes, it's my head that needs to pick it self up. thank you A.D. have to memorize this one. so many videos to watch again and again. need to try and make one myself, Dave Lynas and UJ gave me directions, just haven't been able to digest and process them. (i always ramble). what moves you to do a video like this?

  • Good one Andries great meaning and inspiration 

  • Thanks Danny Glad you liked it !

  • Thanks Uj ,There are usaly other things to put to Memorie like chords changes,and arrangements, for wordt  asheet of paper or a tablet, there are ofcourse the ones you know by heart , and the ones in the blood ,and the ones in the DNA ! not to much in the head you'l only get a headache !! Thanks for the kind comments  appriciated!


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