Parlour 1900.mpg

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It's not a CBG but had to be rebuilt.Sounds of an old german parlour guitar from the 1900's... sound samples D tuning and glass slide, original rusty metal strings!Song: "Rain and Snow"(This one wont cheer you up!)

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  • Thanks ...Chuck,Calim, Crimson Toad,JUJU,Wes Carl,James, Clock,Be...I have another early 1900 one in resto too...

    (like I need another...).

  • Whipin the tears away!!!  GREAT STUFF!!!

  • sound amazing.

  • Man o Manachevitz...beautiful, mesmerizin...tune and playin...thanx

  • Lovin it - it sounds like one of them propper old skool recordings and that rumblin bass rules - nice one mate :)

  • Mind you this was very likely to be a nylon strung originally.
    So how old the strings are is debatable!
  • I think the metal mix was different in those days
    But it's probably what ripped it apart!
  • rusty strings? lol damn, and i just threw some out. you makin them rusty things ring !!! nice !!!

  • love it!!

  • Thanks Mr Clock

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