One Foot In The Grave *COVER*

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I keep playing the Lowebow, a one of a kind cigar box guitar built by John Lowe of Memphis, TN, and I get ideas for covers, songs I really like that can be p...

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  • Thanks all!

    Thanks Che, I am honored, and I like cake!

    Slowpaw Steve, I love my Lowebow, you will enjoy it. it's very unique and very entertaining. Didn't know there was an Eric Idle tune of the same name. Shame on me as I consider myself a fairly well versed Monty Python (and assorted members other works) person. Made this vide a few years ago. Check it.

  • yeah, enjoyed that!!

  • Nice:-0

  • What an adorable li'l tune-a-roo (•‿-)

  • ...come on, admit it - who was expecting to hear the Eric Idle song...?  (-;

  • nicely done mr.E, and nice Lowebow - i just ordered a specially made Lowebow from Johnny Lowe, an early Xmas pressie - saying i am looking forward to receiving it is the understatement of my year....some more heavy stompin' coming soon! (-:

  • Yup.  Stomping good once you get it going. 

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