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Once the Land is Gone...

Views: 130
An ageing band of disillusioned battle weary eco-warriors sing their plight...progress is fine, but hold up, mate!In the distant future every City, town and street in the World could end up looking the same with no open spaces at mustn't happen!Incidentally the snow landscapes in the video are half a mile from my house, every year developers apply for building permits on them and we fight them off...but for how much longer I don't know... )-:I'm joined by the Royal Middlesex County Itinerate Hobo Gospel Choir ( Prince Harry on bass drum) on this song, PLAY LOUD, and GOD SAVE THE QUEEN...hip hip...HOORAY...! (-:Guitar - Comedy & Tragedy G+D+G+b+ / Flatpup 4Drum - Roland TD-12Amp - Marshall ASD50DBoss SE70, Shure SM58.BACK IN THE 50's EVERYTHING WAS RIGHT,BLACK WAS BLACK AND WHITE WAS WHITE.MEN WERE MEN AND GIRLS WERE FAIR,FIELDS OF GREEN AND SPACE TO SHARE.CHORUS - ONCE THE LAND IS GONE, IT'S GONE, ONCE THE LAND IS GONE, IT'S GONE... x2PLANNERS AND DEVELOPERS NOW HOLD SWAY,DESTROYING OUR ENVIRONMENT EVERY DAY.PROGRESS IS FINE , BUT HOLD UP, MATE !DON'T LEAVE OUR CHILDREN IN A CONCRETE ESTATE.CHORUSHS2 GOIN' PAST MY DOOR,GM CROPS - WHAT'S IT ALL FOR..?ANOTHER AIRPORT RUNWAY WE DON'T NEED,IT'S JUST ABOUT DEVELOPERS UNLIMITED GREED.CHORUSOUR LISTED BUILDINGS SWEPT AWAY,"IT 'LL CREATE MORE JOBS" OR SO THEY SAY.VERDANT TREES BENEATH TARMAC,YEARS OF NATURE WE'LL NEVER GET BACK.CHORUSA NEW HYPERMARKET IN YOUR TOWN,THEY'RE PULLING OUR FAVOURITE PUBS AND CINEMAS DOWN.POPULATION INCREASE, PANIC-BUILT FLATS,WE WON'T EVEN HAVE ROOM FOR THE FRONT DOOR MAT.CHORUSMusic Copyright Steve Trowbridge June 2012.From forthcoming album "Playin' Out of the Box - The Slowpaw Old-Time Traveling Medicine Show".

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  • important and serious job Steve...nice sweet voices (duet works very well)...

    thanks for lyrics... i love words and tone...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • Super job on that all the way around! Great song and lyrics, excellent playing and superb video production! Great message, sad but true.

  • Great song Slowpaw!!!!!!

  • Thanks everyone for your great comments...and pictures! (-;

    ...that's the songs for the new "...Box" album finished, so off to the printers this week - unfortunately due to illness in the family i've had to cancel my holiday trip, but have used the time between nursing duties to make songs and finish the album... Keep Calm and Play Blues...! (-;

    @ UJ - multi-tracking is a wonderful thing! (-:


  • As alway Steve very entertaining. I get it.305829144?profile=original


  • 305830695?profile=originalMeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwgoodonewwwwww!!

  • Shades of Woody Guthrie.   Good words and music.  Who is singing with you?  Voices match up nicely.

  • "It all went to hell in a handbasket after the Industrial Revolution."

                                                                          ---Ned Ludd


  • A prophetic song Steve... Take note little island 'leaders'...

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