Old Timey Tenor A. D. Eker 2020

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in the realm of tracks in the same spirit , this track resembles old timey tracks who gone before this one, its done on the old 4 string tenor ADBRO a recycl...

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  • Sweet and melodic Andries. Thanks.

  • hello there PS, let me lift some of the vail, its digital constructed Audio, audio in the same collor tone, that is streched, pulled, fade in fade out, vocodered, tone &volume collored  and mixed,all done in the Old fashion handcrafted way ,No synt,no synt pad, all digital audio, manipulated cutup in order to fit the aucoustic piece ,like playing a instrument but then whit raw digital data, bend me shape me anyway you wont me ! kind of thing ! but thanks for asking kale ! at least your the kind that likes to know, i thank you for that ! Kind greeeeeetssszz A.D.

  • Thanks Danny ! appriciate the like & comment !

  • Holy crap AD! This is awesome! What are you using for those swells? Sounds like a synth pad but harder.


  • Thanks Nancy ! Great picture ! it tells the story ! appriciated !

  • Like the sound of this tune Andries! Definitely has an old time easy feeling to it...Meowww^..^6205502481?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Thanks UJ ! its one of my fav to go to plunker,there are only two small 4 boxes that i still like some how  if they are not electric, somehow sound cheap and child like after a fjew years, maybee the trill is Gone ,still get a buzz from a diddley bow thow !!

  • That is a good movie tune.   I really like the old sixes turned into fours.

  • Movie music whit the ADBRO öld time Tenor, recycled old guitar "brandless" from 6 to 4 Tuned FCFC.

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