Oh Susanna: 2-String PLAjo Chugger: Quasi Banjo Ukulele (Not a Cigar Box Guitar)

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Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 143rd Zoom Mtg 02/27/23. Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/downloadCBG SOF Songbook....

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  • I saw that verry green banjer pas by , sounds spunky did you do that whit a 3D printer on the computer in one piece or in parts? Pretty Clever Doug ! I see more and more CC machines ,computer printing and other modern crafts enter the use to bee Old school Building of a CigarBox Guitar, the handy work is shifting to a more industrial scale of production ,Bissenis must be boeming ! Nice one doug !!

  • I’m waiting for your cover on your CTB; it suits! Thanks for the history lesson Kale. It is a catchy tune that the Slingers play regularly.

  • “Several years back” I like that Uncle John! Glad it brings back memories of school days; hope they are good ones.

  • A classic tune. Super catchy. Everybody knows it. Ironically, this was originally a minstrel tune. It's one that somehow stood the test of time. I should probably do a cover of this one too.

  • I learned this in 6th grade on Iowa Saxophone.  This was several years back.  Good job.  I like Alan's cartoon!

  • We did have fun with this one James! Thanks for the good words.

  • Great cartoon Alan! And thanks for tuning in.

  • Agreed Brian! One of those songs meant of us just know. Thanks for watching.

  • Good cover on an old classic Doug looks like Ya'll had fun with it 

  • Classic Performance of a Classic Song, "Well Done Slingers" :-)10977975694?profile=RESIZE_710x

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