Norwegian Wood - 3-string CBG by Shane Speal

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Shane Speal ( - unreleased solo version of Norwegian Wood performed on a 3-string cigar box guitar.

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  • This really grabbed me. 

    It's got a kinda post-apocalyptic sadness . . . (or something) to it.

     . . . and it reminds me why he's the King.

    Thanks for posting, Shane.

  • I'll try to get a "How to Play" vid for this song in a couple days.

  •  the only good  thing  about  over thinking  shit  ,  is  ...

     it  always  turns  out   easier   than  ya  thought . ;-)

  • I want to make one more comment as an "Observation" from an Engineers' "standpoint". I always get "drawn into" over thinking and over building things & sometimes the "K.I.S.S." (your favorite rock group) theory kicks in ... "KEEP - IT - SIMPLE - STUPID"!!! And that's your approach to your building ... And yet "Your Playing" is to Optimize" & "Maximize" everything you can produce out of that very simple & yet primitive instrument! The "Cigar Box Guitar" may have carved out an "Octagon Shaped Wheel" ... "But You Keep It Rolling"!
  • The "Grand Master" making an "O'l Beat Up Looking Cigar Box" attached to a simple stick with 3 strings and creating "What It's All About" ... And (probably a recycled Piezo P/U - No Less) making it sound "Primitive & Yet Sweet"!!! Your "Our Inspiration Man"!!!
  • Excellent!

  • Wow,  That is some fine touch like Danny said, and a lot of feeling,  Fantastic.

    Yup.  I keep messing with other things, but threes are just about the best.

  • Great sound...great playing. Thanks for sharing.

  • A lot of people don't get the 3 string, those people never played one and don't know the challenges they provide.

    real nice Shane.

  • Wowsers!!!

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