My Babe ~ old blues on a GDg hubcap guitar- Wes Carl amp

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Same tune as 'This Train.' Lyrics by Willie Dixon. Easy to play.Here, I is a G, IV is a C and V is a D.{I} My babe don't stand no cheating, my babe.Oh no, she don't stand no cheating, {V} my babe.Oh {I}no, she don't stand no cheatin', {IV}neither don't stand no midnight creepin.{I}My babe, {V} true little baby, {I}my babe

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  • Very bluesy John. Sounds great

  • Thanks, Steve.

  • great john as usual 

    I do like that hub cap 3 string 

  • Thank John.   Might be hard to do your burning art on  hub cap!

  • Love the look of the Hubcap John .... mmmmm   I want one lol

  • Thanks Owl.   I like this build a lot, but may trade it for a Wallace Kemp build.

  • Thanks Thomas, Get a stout cap.   I had to bolster a different one,   Thanks McCoy.  The rest of the lyric should be easy to find.  If not, tell me.   Do it in your own style and have fun.

  • Thank You!  Not only for the entertaining video, the chords and lyrics were a tasty treat best shared and I will enjoy them and share with my son and friends!  Bravo!

  • Good stuff Uncle John. Now I'm gonna have to start checking out the car parts swap meets for build materials. That hub cap sounds sweet!

  • Thanks, Ruth, James, Maddog and Pick!   :)

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