My babe lived on dockery

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Buggy time box and sydel low d harmonica and the home of the blues.. "Blues is a feeling..."Thanks for the blues...

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  • I think of my aunts old a kid..thanks for the memories...nicely done ..vocals sound Ghostly..very haunting but cool...harmonicas add so much:)

    Great wrk:)

  • Thanks guys,

    Son House says...  "The Blues is a feeling"


  • Don't know if I will ever get down to Dockery Farm.   This is pretty close.   Nice tour of the blues, Bug.   Could part of our spirits been there in a previous time?   Seems like yours could have.

  • nice sounds bug

  • Great job Bug.

  • Great sound. Very well played and sung. Was this the video from your last family holiday? Good stuff.

  • House of Blues in Chicago


  • 306093315?profile=original

     great stuff mr bug !!!

  • 306093270?profile=original

  • kewl  ;     ala  yum yum  ;-)

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