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Mr Mayhew,Sir

Views: 56
A diddly bow in Victorian London?

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  • Dave Lynas. Yep, that's my blood on the dbow. I went busking in the cold weather a couple of years ago and was happily playing away until a passer-by pointed out I had blood dripping from my fingers. Didn't stop me playing tho!

    Richard - I don't know what Califest is but I'm happy to join in if I can.

    Thanks to everyone else for watching.

  • Excellent! Sounds great! Hope you can contribute some more videos at CallyFest, right here, starting Thursday. Its all things imagined and more. It’s virtual.

  • Cool track! Great vibe here. 

  • Is that blood on the duct tape Brick? Love your rhythmic play on that Diddly.

  • Thanks, Brick.  Man there have not been 2 diddley bow videos on here at the same time - for a LONG time.  

  • Hi John. Hope you're well and thanks for the comments.
  • I always love a diddley bow track. There's just something about a 1 stringer.

  • Love that beat and driving tempo with that diddley!

  • Good song, man!

  • Brickdust!  Long time no hear.  You've still got IT!

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