Mississippi John Jackson Licence Plate Guitar - Diddley Bros 2015

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Joe from Diddley Bros demonstrates how the their new fretless licence plate guitar; The 'Mississippi John Jackson' sounds. Yep there's mistakes but it still ...

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  • Love the sound on this. Really a cool guitar and so well made. Great playing as well!!!!

  • Thanks chaps

  • great picking joe...............

  • Nice one bonnie lad
  • Cheers. Doc they're pretty cool like. I'm sure you'll enjoy your build when you're done. I'm on building another at the minute. Decided to tackle cutting the plate for a Pup. It went better than expected.


  • Nice playing Joe. I'm getting around to building my first LPG. I'm with unc on those Mississippi plates, they are one of the nicest ones. Thanks for posting.
  • Thanks very much guys. I couldn't play a thing before I started building them last year. Now I can't stop picking one up to have a noodle on the strings.

    I've got a few plates from late 70's John for making some new ones. American plates are sooo much nicer than anything we've got  or had on this side of the pond.

  • Sounds fantastic Joe! I like it!

  • yup

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