Memories - Kuno (original song)

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Playing an original song on my bathroom shelf guitar, harp and tambourineMore:

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  • Great that you like this! I've put out an acoustic album and a single with this on the album. You can find it online here:

    This song is on the Birdmachine album

  • O' the road again...

    I would like listen your very nice tune alone driving my car...good work...°<[:-) [---]==={

  • Thanks a lot all of you. Records and 78s costs nothing these days, so I'm trying to build a collection with at least one great folk/fieldrecording/ethnic record from every country in the history of recording...a bit ambitious, but there's lot's of great ideas for building instruments in the grooves. :)
  • nice song great groove
  • hey man nice jam! and thats a load of records you got there
  • Pretty nice noodlin' blues. I enjoyed it.
  • Nicely done, great song! Nice work on your bathroom shelf guitar build as well! CHEERS!
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