Melody One

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  • nice slow melody on that one Bug, If that was a dream that he was having I would be afraid to wake up

  • Thanks Nancy Kat and Derek... "warm and fuzzy" like my brain

  • Man, that is a great sound. Soft and warm and fuzzy.

  • 790111694?profile=RESIZE_710xOh Buggy I love all your music... when you play like this it shows off a special tenderness that truly comes from your soul this will be a favorite...such a lovely piece and with Shane's awesome build purrrfect... love the video to it reminded me of Wolfiewoo Meowwww^..^

  • Remind's me of one of mine Bug .

    Good show . Smooth as you like  .

  • Thanks Guys, I've been writting this one for a few years, started as a christmas ditty

  • Dennis, Andries and Dave were so articulate.  I will just say, "Yup."

  • Love this one Buggy! Cool video and mellow Madness. Great play.

  • a Story in tone ,nicely played Bugster !Making Shane proud! HillTone! Rules.

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