License Plate Guitar Jam CBG Cigar Box Guitar

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This is a very quick snippit of some improvisation over a loop of that last song riff idea I posted several months ago. This guitar has a snake oil pickup in it. I'm playing through my Roland Micro Cube on batteries and the loop is running from my battery powered Zoom multi-effect unit. I'm going to put together a proper (longer) video of this song one of these days.

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  • Thank you Danny! I'm really fond of those Snake Oil pickups from C B Gitty. 

  • love the sound of that cbg

  • Thanks Dave!

  • More? Sounds great Janis.
  • Thank you Andries & Derek. :)

  • Good playing Janis. Nice and smooth.

  • Sounding Fine, did not get it at first that you was looping, Nice Riff! and the Name is Billboard & PosterMaterial as well ! will be looking !

  • Shoot, I'm getting behind. I really appreciate the kind words Jim & Denny!

    Unc & Richard, thank you guys! I definitely plan to make a full video soon. I made this on my phone, and my aging phone doesn't have a lot of memory for long videos. I'll set up my little video camera & do a proper one soon.

    Hope ya'll have a great weekend!

  • Good one!

  • This is excellent Janis!

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