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Knockin' on Heavens Door - Penfoot

Views: 168
Knockin' on Heaven's Door cover type thing. As it is my first video please tell me how good/bad it is a what you think.Any suggestions would be welcome to help me make better videos in the future.

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  • Would it be impertinent to enquire how the school music contest went? B-)

  • thanks Blackwater :)


  • cool.great first everyone else says just keep at it.experiment with different things for slides to.i use a piece of aluminum tube cut then a bit of electric tape round one end to keep my finger in and stop it cutting my hand.remember there is no right way with CBGs.its all self expression.keep them coming :D
  • Thanks Ice
  • the improv at the end was cool man
  • Thanks Phillip! :)
  • Hi Penfoot. It's improvisation, never easy, so well done...

    I remember I din't know how to choose my finger to slip my bottleneck on...still now I don't know...

    I try different way then play again and again... Bottleneck seems to  be very heavy...°<[:-) [---]==={

  • Thanks - i know it is a bit simple; a bit (dare i say it) bad. i sort of wanted to see if i could improvise and listen back - than wondered what others would think. I have played a six string as well for a few years and haven't quite got there with the slide - stupidly the 2 i've built are both fretless and therefore need a slide :( Cleverly the one in the workshop is (hopefully) going to to be fretted. :)
  • despite it theoretically being an easy one to play I still struggle with that song so keep at it
  • You have the basic rudiments developing there mr. P, we all had to start somewhere, keep practising! (-:
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