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Is this worth keeping?

Views: 106
Set up the camera, do my set, in the mean time someone's put up their music stand in exactly the wrong spot.Is this worth keeping? I don't have any live solo vids and I need to promote the new blues course. I find it really annoying, what about you?

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  • Which is why I can't see any of RTZ's vids: he only posts here. Those posted on YouTube, with only the link posted on CBN, I can usually see. Oh, and I'm usually on the site through the iPad. Adobe and Apple: match made in hell
  • It's probably an issue with Flash Player. I just compressed this with Handbrake and posted through the site. The one on youtube was done with iMovie. 

    Thankyou again gentlemen.

  • Struth Ron, rubber chickens!! It's taken her 6 months to get me to wear the hat.

  • HEY I saw my name what the *&%#   is the fuss. "ring"

    Hello I am Saakaar with tech support how many I help you

    I use Adobe and only post here Ron . Flash player?

    Patrick are you using Adobe video software, this is not a youtube vid?

    AS for the vid keep it Patrick unless you want to stand in front of the camera and do it again.

    My smart phony won't play flash through a google browser.   $#^%#$^* 

  • playing live is nerve wracking and fraught with difficulties, even if you have a few performances under your belt - practice helps but on the night silly things happen! i'm terrible for remembering my own lyrics as i get few chances to play live but enjoy it nevertheless, but you should check your preformance area, check the amps and the chair you'll use, i gave evertbody a laugh at BSA by using a too low chair and nearly came tumbling off it! 

    take as little equipment as you need, less is good as they say, happy gigging! (-;


  • A performance suggestion ( after you move the music stand ;-), and which you can safely ignore, as I'll wear pretty much anything outrageous),

    Wear dark sunglasses. The look with the hat, the voice, the playing, all rock it. The accountant's spectacles, not so much. Or go totally Elton John. Pretend to be Blind Paddy Curley. Get a cane. Navigate the room faultlessly. Paint your eyelids like Johnny Depp in Pirates of The Caribbean 2, so that when you take your glasses off at the end of your set, people freak out. Oh, and get a rubber chicken to hang from your mic stand. People love rubber chicken.
  • Patrick,
    Thanks for posting the link. Dunno why I can't see it; this happens with RTZ's vids all the time, too.
  • Many thanks gentlemen for your encouragement. I did use it, here's the finished product

  • good playing!! use it

  • Of course you should keep it - really enjoyed that!

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