If You Lose Your Money - Sonny & Brownie cover

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I am putting up too many videos. I said I would quit when I needed glasses. But I keep hearing good songs on Pandora free radio. This one uses straight harp and trying to do the job of two guys (Sonny and Brownie) is hard on the wind. I looked at video lessons on how to play harp like Sonny Terry. But I guess I would rather just sound like me.It's good to be unemployed (retired, I guess). Picture perfect Iowa summer morning with nice temps. Fishing at Prairie Rose and Nishna Bend. No fish. Lots of seaweed snags. Many wildflowers and birds. Birds: dickcissels, red cap sparrow, house sparrows, chimney swifts, barn swallows, cliff swallows, king birds, kingfisher, Canada geese and lots of goose poop, coots, great blue heron, mourning doves, meadowlark, killdeers, kestrel, cardinal, bluejays, brown thrashers, starlings, robins, red wing blackbirds, cowbird.

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  • Thanks, Derek.  Good to know another Sonny and Brownie fan.  They sure made some good music, but I hear they did not get along easily with each other.  No open tunings!

  • Good old tune Unc. I have lots of Brownie and Sonny. Brownie's dad encouraged him to learn standard guitar tuning and it is interesting I believe he never used any open tunings for his blues playing.

  • Thanks, RTZ and thanks, Jim.  Jim that sounds like tiring good fun.

  • Sounds great Unc. And thanks for the nature description too. Just finished a couple of days hiking in a close by state park called Blackwater Falls and felt real close to the earth.

  • Play on brother post post post

  • Thanks, Nancy!

  • No not my fur kids.....someday I will figure out how to transfer my phone photos on here errr not to swift am I lol  Meowww^..^

  • That is a good and familiar scene, Nancy.  Are those your cats and window?   Thanks as always for the kind words and fun pics.

  • 306629653?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Never to many U~John...love to watch the birds our Orioles are leaving already! We better enjoy outside we know whats coming brrrrrr....good job on that harp....Meowwwchrip^..^

  • Thanks, E.   I am enjoying summer and it is flying by.  Good eating too.   Red and yellow tomatoes, peppers and onions from the garden and sweet corn we buy.  

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