If i Had Known A D Eker 2014

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You allway know what you need to do,after the fact !! Never before!! why do people act whitout thinking, is live to fast, are we going to fast for ower Brain...

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  • beautiful tune

  • Yup!

  • Sounds great Andries! I like one take even with things not exactly like you might want them. I thought the slide came in pretty fine. The New Year gives us all chances to try and get things right - or to keep doing the same things wrong!

  • yup  . 

  • Good poetry and music.  Slide comes in fine.  

    I'm with you Andries, so many regrets, but we generally are doing our best at any given crossroad.

  • Half way there is a Slide coming in a bit to harsh but can not change it, one take only! SORRY !!

  • Wishes and virtue from  the  Old Year to the New !

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