I`m Sorry Divorce Song

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Parody, Divorce Song

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  • Let it out bro, let it out! LOL

  • I really wanted to make up a great tune and came up with this. Then my wife now asked me if I ever said I was sorry for all the stuff that happens with a divorce. I could not sleep and the words just came to me with this tune in my head. Yes ,I should of had the amp further away but only been playin for 10 months. Makes me happy to create a song and people like it. Thanks. Cliff

  • Wel that came out pretty good,pitty about the Vocals,or your amp is to close to the Vidcam,or you need vocal amp as well ,i can relate to that ? got a wife in depression now for two years, and its getting weard and wearder as time goes along, Nice Build, Good tone! Bee Strong !Greeetttssszz

  • Put a smile on me.  And a laugh.   Good stuff. 

  • I got two exes, thankfully only one still asking for money......and it wasn't all my fault....it wasn't! ;-)

    FTB....!!!  nice one mr. hope you feel better after a good rant!

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