Howlin' and Stompin

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impromptu, experimental, rowdiness on blood-and-wine stained cbg ... made up the words on the fly ... no pick ... highlighted piezo pickup noises

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  • Awesome video dude! You got more coordination than I have, that's for sure. That guitar is killer, too!

    Different and unpolished might actually be the format here! But trust me, that's a good thing. Glad to have you here!
  • Don't have any pics of my stompbox right now ... but you wouldn't be impressed. You seen a gutbucket suitcase drum? Imagine one of those without a stand or a drum pedal. So, imagine a plastic suitcase flat on the ground. Now imagine me stompin on it and kickin it. That's my "stompbox".

    Really appreciate the kind words and support. This is a heck of a community here and I'm really happy that I could add something a little different and unpolished without getting railed for not fitting a format. Thanks ... sincerley.
  • show us your stomp box...sounds great..primitive...
  • too cool and I love the guitar
  • Raw power, baby! Reckless abandon! Rock on!!
  • Thanks for the positive feedback ... maybe I'll try to get on key with the singing the next time ;) (maybe)
  • Wild ride! I liked the energy and the drive of the song.
  • NICE,Igot tired watching this...
  • lets here more from u
  • MJ ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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