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How to choose a cigar box

Views: 279
Just a quick discussion about what I use as a criteria for choosing a box to make a guitar out of. This is very subjective decision, so this is just my opinion on the matter.

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  • i'm very honored because  my friend James gave me a nice cigar box... 

    i'm thinking about a nice project... i like that kind of video... thank you Dan...

    ..°<[:-) [---]==={

  • hey dan it was really helpful i got a pretty good idea what to look for i really the statment you made (its a learning process)thnx


  • cool.cheers mate.good food for thought.start a new build tomorrow so il try ad put some of this new found knowledge to good use.
  • Hey Dan, great post.  Covered some things I hadn't considered.
  • Good advise and video Dan. You can just send those box's you don't want my way. : )
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